Quote for the Day 9/17/2009
Brandon (referring to the Health Care Reform current events report due tomorrow) : This is pretty. . . uh . . . challenging. We don't have a computer at home or anything.
I'm proud of how he's tackling the project though, especially on this first project when the learning curve is precipitous--just learning to type, figuring out word processing, online research, and the mechanics of essay writing. He went to the public library and found some good source materials online on the two people whose views he was to research and form an opinion about--Brownback and Sebelius, I believe. He printed out the material and studied it. Then he wrote a thesis and got it approved. Now he's ready to tackle putting everything together.
Health Care Reform is indeed a challenging subject, not only for our students, but for everyone. Anyone who declares that the solutions are simple seems to me to be assessing the subject as a mirror of his or her own condition. From my vantage point, such assessments do not inspire confidence.
I'm proud of how he's tackling the project though, especially on this first project when the learning curve is precipitous--just learning to type, figuring out word processing, online research, and the mechanics of essay writing. He went to the public library and found some good source materials online on the two people whose views he was to research and form an opinion about--Brownback and Sebelius, I believe. He printed out the material and studied it. Then he wrote a thesis and got it approved. Now he's ready to tackle putting everything together.
Health Care Reform is indeed a challenging subject, not only for our students, but for everyone. Anyone who declares that the solutions are simple seems to me to be assessing the subject as a mirror of his or her own condition. From my vantage point, such assessments do not inspire confidence.
I was reading this and found myself longing to be a student in your class. :)
Carolyn, at 9/17/2009
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