Prairie View

Thursday, November 15, 2007

Quote for the Day: Nov. 15, 2007

Shane: Only 45 more years till I can retire.

The house that nearly fell in on Shane earlier in the week seems to be located on a site fraught with complications.

Before the supporting jacks snapped, and before they started digging, they had a chimney to take down. I didn't get all the details about how that was accomplished except that Shane climbed a ladder set into the skid-steer bucket and pounded away at its attachments till it looked like it was loose. Then he got out of the way just before it fell--something they were apparently not sure was possible till they tried it.

The day after the teetering house incident, Shane and Marc went to work alone while the boss stayed home and tended to his beef herd--took the year's calves to market, I believe. When they arrived on the job site, they discovered that the septic tank next to the basement hole had "blown out" during the night, the septic tank's wall next to the basement collapsing into the excavation, and spilling the septic tank's contents into the basement hole. Bummer. They spent a long time scooping up the unsavory contents before they could get on with the planned work for the day. Shane summed up this experience with a pithy comment that was not acceptable for supper table conversation.

Today Shane found the snake hanging out behind the seat in the truck cab, where it had avoided detection ever since Marc put it there on the day of the house's near collapse. Shane had hoped that by now it had found an escape route. "If I didn't hate snakes so much I would have strangled him [Marc] with it," Shane announced over supper.

And that's why Shane is already looking forward to retirement.

Meanwhile, today in Bangladesh, Joel is getting his first taste of a cyclone (hurricane). A category 4 or 5 storm made landfall on the southern coast of the country at the shore of the Bay of Bengal. He lives about 85 miles north, and is in no danger from the storm surges that have already devastated many of the homes by the ocean. But the wind and rain will likely or have create(d) category 1 conditions in the capital city where he lives, according to a warning he received from the US embassy.

Life bumps along, and tonight we're still all safe, and I'm glad.


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