Quote for the Day 7/29/2008
Joel: I got two pieces of information about the CFA (Chartered Financial Analyst) exam. One, this year, 35 % passed, and, I passed.
Shane: Wow. Way to set the bar high.
Joel: That doesn't mean you passed if you got 35%. It means that only 35 % of the people that took the test passed.
Shane: Do you know what your score was?
Joel: No. All they do is tell you in what category your score was on each section of the test. Either below 50%, from 51-70%, or over 70%.
Shane: So were all yours in the over 70% category?
Joel: Actually, they were.
Shane: See, this is why I wasn't nearly as worried about your passing that test as you were. What does this mean? Can you do taxes now?
Joel: No. It just means I can take Level 2 of the exam next year.
Shane: I just hope you can work that in with planning a wedding and all. I really hope you do take time for the wedding though.
Shane doesn't really know anything you don't know about Joel's wedding plans. He's just got a head full of his own wedding plans. And Joel is obviously more humble about his accomplishments than I am about his accomplishments. Read the Quote for the Day 6/8/2008 for a post about when he took the exam in June.
Shane: Wow. Way to set the bar high.
Joel: That doesn't mean you passed if you got 35%. It means that only 35 % of the people that took the test passed.
Shane: Do you know what your score was?
Joel: No. All they do is tell you in what category your score was on each section of the test. Either below 50%, from 51-70%, or over 70%.
Shane: So were all yours in the over 70% category?
Joel: Actually, they were.
Shane: See, this is why I wasn't nearly as worried about your passing that test as you were. What does this mean? Can you do taxes now?
Joel: No. It just means I can take Level 2 of the exam next year.
Shane: I just hope you can work that in with planning a wedding and all. I really hope you do take time for the wedding though.
Shane doesn't really know anything you don't know about Joel's wedding plans. He's just got a head full of his own wedding plans. And Joel is obviously more humble about his accomplishments than I am about his accomplishments. Read the Quote for the Day 6/8/2008 for a post about when he took the exam in June.
Great work, Joel! I'm impressed, but not surprised. :-)
Anonymous, at 7/30/2008
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