Quote for the Day 7/20/2008
One of the things I like about Hiromi is how companionably he talks to animals. This past weekend I've overheard a number of one-sided conversations with our parakeet, Houdini.
Hiromi: Do you have enough food? Let me get you some food and fresh water.
Hiromi: Houdini, do you want to go to your cabin? (He opens the cage door and puts it on the floor.)
Cabin is Hiromi's term for the large silk bamboo plant in the corner of the living room opposite to Houdini's cage. Often when we let Houdini out, he runs and flutters his way to this vacation spot and climbs into it where he is nearly invisible.
Later, in response to loud chirping from Houdini . . .
Hiromi: Houdini, is that your victory chirp? Y-e-a-h . . . You're back home again, and you're making an announcement. See? I'm safe, and I got here all by myself. . . . Is that what you're saying?
Hiromi (to me): Houdini has two cabins. One is on the bottom shelf of the shelf unit beside the couch. He sits right next to the big rooster cookie jar there.
Hiromi (to Houdini, in the second cabin): Houdini, are you pretending that's your mama? That thing's a little too big for you. Your mama was small. But if you feel safe there, that's OK.
Houdini cocks his head and listens and blinks his beady black eyes.
Hiromi (Going to Houdini's cage just before he heads for bed): Houdini, are you still my friend? Are you going to step up on my hand? Sure. It's OK. Good boy. Are you kinda tired? Good night. Oyasumi (Good night in Japanese).
I am completely charmed by this gentle, solicitous side of the man I married. Seeing it is one of the blessings of having been married for these 27 years.
Hiromi: Do you have enough food? Let me get you some food and fresh water.
Hiromi: Houdini, do you want to go to your cabin? (He opens the cage door and puts it on the floor.)
Cabin is Hiromi's term for the large silk bamboo plant in the corner of the living room opposite to Houdini's cage. Often when we let Houdini out, he runs and flutters his way to this vacation spot and climbs into it where he is nearly invisible.
Later, in response to loud chirping from Houdini . . .
Hiromi: Houdini, is that your victory chirp? Y-e-a-h . . . You're back home again, and you're making an announcement. See? I'm safe, and I got here all by myself. . . . Is that what you're saying?
Hiromi (to me): Houdini has two cabins. One is on the bottom shelf of the shelf unit beside the couch. He sits right next to the big rooster cookie jar there.
Hiromi (to Houdini, in the second cabin): Houdini, are you pretending that's your mama? That thing's a little too big for you. Your mama was small. But if you feel safe there, that's OK.
Houdini cocks his head and listens and blinks his beady black eyes.
Hiromi (Going to Houdini's cage just before he heads for bed): Houdini, are you still my friend? Are you going to step up on my hand? Sure. It's OK. Good boy. Are you kinda tired? Good night. Oyasumi (Good night in Japanese).
I am completely charmed by this gentle, solicitous side of the man I married. Seeing it is one of the blessings of having been married for these 27 years.
I started reading and thought, I wonder if he says all this in English or Japanese. My observation has been that people tend to speak in their first language to animals. For me it's always Pa. Dutch with cats, dogs, and any baby animals. However, our son Steven speaks English and not Luo to his chickens. I see Hiromi tells the bird good night in Japanese, so at least a bit of my assumption is accurate.
Dorcas, at 7/20/2008
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