Prairie View

Tuesday, March 17, 2020

Fragments, Fallout, and Freedom--Part 11


Although I never agonized over the matter of voting while I was growing up, I've come to realize that perhaps no other topic is more polarizing than this one.  I wish I knew what to say that might promote understanding and peace between those who vote as a matter of conscience and those who don't vote, as a matter of conscience.  I have friends and family members who vote.  I'm sure that some of their votes cancel each other out.  Most of the people in my faith community, however, don't vote, in keeping with what has, to my knowledge, been historic Anabaptist practice.


Whaaatt???? This was an accidental post, which I just now discovered (3/21/20).  It was the beginning of a writing a post on this topic, but I aborted the effort when I realized that I really needed more time to think through what I wanted to say.  It's doubtful that it would have survived the editing process in this form.  I'm leaving it here as a "place-holder" in this series.

I've been actively seeking input from our church leaders and engaging in conversations with people who have a variety of perspectives.  And, of course, I've been reading and listening and doing a whole lot of staying home and working with my hands and thinking.  I've been praying too, for insight on this topic.  I often smile to myself and thank the Lord for applicable tidbits that I come across in my Bible reading.


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