Prairie View

Tuesday, June 23, 2015

Political Havoc and Private Opinions

I read a little blurb today summarizing the pope's encyclical on climate change.  He said people have a moral obligation to do what they can to mitigate climate change, because there is very consistent scientific consensus that global warming is caused above all by human activity.  (Some phrases are direct quotes from The Week, June 26, 2015, p. 6.)  He also sees an urgent and compelling need to reduce greenhouse gases and develop sources of renewable energy.

Reading this makes me smile because of the masterful way the position of the Catholic church plays havoc with what many conservatives see as Christian viewpoints.  When Catholics talk about sanctity of life and traditional marriage, they're on the conservative Christian side.  But this encyclical?  Liberal for sure.  Helping the poor through social programs?  Bleeding heart liberal again.  How can they do this?

In my estimation, this is simply how it always is when Christian people put loyalty to the word of God and the way of Christ above political loyalties.  They're not really at home in any political party.  And no political party will be able to claim Christians as their own "trophies" because Christians will end up breaking rank sooner or later if the way of Christ comes first.

To label one party as a distinctly Christian party reveals a serious misunderstanding of both political and spiritual realities.


In other news, someone called again this morning from the Japanese TV station that wants to do a story on Hiromi, the "Japanese Amishman."  He talked English to me, but the conversation switched to Japanese as soon as I handed the phone to Hiromi.  Hiromi asked him to send an email about what he proposes--his way of being non-committal, and insuring that he's not held up on the phone tomorrow morning when he wants to work outside before it gets unbearably hot.

I'm praying about the proposal and keeping my opinions to myself otherwise for now about whether this is a good idea or not.


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