Prairie View

Friday, June 30, 2017

Tidbits From the Week

Our eldest son is vacationing with his family in Switzerland.  They've been sending pictures showing lovely surroundings and happy children's faces.  They return to their home after some of their closest associates leave for an extended time away.  Those who remain are few in number.

Meanwhile, we're welcoming here some of the people who have left there.


Last night we had a boisterous thunderstorm disturbing the first installment of our sleep.  When we heard crashing thunder, and saw almost constant lightening and then heard the sharp rap of hail on the windows, we got up and started unplugging phones and computers, etc.  Then we prayed that no windows would break in the house or the car, and I couldn't help but mention that I'd like for the birds not to be killed either.  The hail stopped immediately!  This morning our rain gauge held .7 inch of water.  The temperature stayed in the low eighties, and the windows stayed open all day.


The curriculum committee meetings sometimes sneak up on me, as one did last night again.  When Arlyn called to ask if I was remembering the meeting, I said no, but I'd be there soon.  I didn't do any getting ready; I just went.  We've got multiple projects on the table right now--Social studies for all grade levels, science for grades 7 & 8, and creating a Language Arts "map" for the high school.

It was the second time I'd been at school.  The first time that day I planted 12 more Variegated Liriope and two Pennisetum grasses.  That finished the planting of the front landscape bed except for some of the sections that need some hardscaping first, or need to wait for plants to be shipped in the fall.

The mulch and drip lines are in place, and the watering is happening on a timed schedule.  Betty, Hiromi, and I did the planting, Gene and Jamison did the driplines and part of the mulching, and Betty, Kendall, and I finished the mulching.  Crist and Betty and Arlyn and his boys did the ground prep, and Arlen M. and his boys put down the weed barrier and rock next to the foundation.  Arlyn's family purchased and delivered the mulch.

Some of the plants are still quite small--the trade-off for having to pay less for them.


This seems like an abrupt ending, but I'll miss my bedtime if I don't sign off.


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