Prairie View

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Elevated Temperatures

Yesterday's low temperature was a worrisome 32 degrees.  Tomorrow's predicted high is 94 degrees.


My mother went to the hospital tonight.  She has an elevated temperature, with no diagnosis so far.  She seemed very lethargic all day, although she ate well this morning and at noon.  Of the three possibilities the doctor mentioned over the phone when we called him initially, the only one not ruled out so far is pneumonia.

I had stopped in after school to pick up something my dad had gotten ready for  me this morning.  When I checked on Mom in the bedroom I could see right away that Dad was not imagining things when he told me that Mom was very different from her usual self--not communicative, either not able to walk or not able to understand when she needed to move.  When I asked her if it hurts anywhere she said, "No."  Almost every other yes/no question I asked was met with silence.

My sister Lois has been ill and did not wish to expose Mom, so she could not check on her today as she usually would do.  Lois Y. came to the rescue and did some medical checks and discovered that her blood pressure was quite high--something that is not a typical problem for her.

At the hospital, she is being given IVs and will stay overnight at least.  Linda stayed with her.  I'm very relieved that Mom is under medical care.  This would not likely have improved on its own overnight, and it could have gotten much worse.

I'm also relieved that Mom is in the care of the angel-servants who delight to come to the aid of God's children.  Thank you, God.


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