Quote for the Day 3/12/2010
I spent two hours in the Medical Center waiting room today, except for three trips to the lab to have blood drawn. Glucose tolerance tests are not on my "favorite things" list. Too many needle pokes and a foul-tasting, sickly sweet drink to scarf down within five minutes.
Because the endocrinologist I had seen is a pediatric endocrinologist (Hutch has no endocrinologist for adults, so she gets to see all of us who are referred to a specialist in endocrinology.), I got to see a lot of the comings and goings in this part of the clinic. I couldn't help overhearing a mother quiz her 14? year old son as she was filling out the forms for the doctor.
Mother: How many servings of dairy do you eat in a day?
Son: Huh? What's that?
Mother: You know, cheese and things like that.
Son: Oh. One.
Mother: How many vegetables?
Son: (Unintelligible response)
Mother: You don't eat any at home. Do you eat any at school?
Son: No.
Mother: How many hours of watching TV? Three?
I can't imagine that the doctor was thrilled with the prospect of keeping that kid well. On the bright side, maybe he was there to get approval for participating in sports. With that motivation, he might pick up some good nutrition pointers and find something to do besides watch TV.
Because the endocrinologist I had seen is a pediatric endocrinologist (Hutch has no endocrinologist for adults, so she gets to see all of us who are referred to a specialist in endocrinology.), I got to see a lot of the comings and goings in this part of the clinic. I couldn't help overhearing a mother quiz her 14? year old son as she was filling out the forms for the doctor.
Mother: How many servings of dairy do you eat in a day?
Son: Huh? What's that?
Mother: You know, cheese and things like that.
Son: Oh. One.
Mother: How many vegetables?
Son: (Unintelligible response)
Mother: You don't eat any at home. Do you eat any at school?
Son: No.
Mother: How many hours of watching TV? Three?
I can't imagine that the doctor was thrilled with the prospect of keeping that kid well. On the bright side, maybe he was there to get approval for participating in sports. With that motivation, he might pick up some good nutrition pointers and find something to do besides watch TV.
Possibly Darwin wasn't so far off with his "survival of the fittest" theory after all.
Still the Monkey in the Middle
Anonymous, at 3/12/2010
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