Singing and Sermons in My Dining Room
Within the past week, our tech-savvy recording committee members at church have put in place an online source for access to recordings made during events at our church.
This morning I looked at the site for the first time. I was delighted to see that I could listen to the Pilgrim High School program while I cooked breakfast. While I did so I thought of Andrea's parents in El Salvador and wondered if they would like to hear Andrea's class sing their Spanish songs at the program. It's there, and as easy as clicking on the link and making sure the speakers on the computer are turned on.
People who know Lyle can listen to the high school singing group he directs. These students are not hand picked and auditioned. All the students help sing. Maybe other people who plan high school programs can pick up ideas.
The wonderful presentation on the heavens by Morris Yoder from Georgia is there too, but without the stunning visuals that were part of the live program.
I looked in vain for last Sunday's sermon by David, our bishop. I think it was a wonderful sermon--at least the parts I heard were--but I had failed to take one of the medications that helps turn my food into energy (Metformin), and I missed out on my regular Sunday morning cup of coffee. So I was waaaay too sleepy to get the full benefit of the sermon. I hoped to be able to listen to it later, and I think I will soon be able to do so.
It's amazing to me how much more accessible some things seem when only a few layers of effort in making use of them are eliminated. Blogging is like that, in comparison to writing, printing, mailing a manuscript, etc. And now--no need to ask for a taped copy of a sermon. It's as easy as sitting down to the computer, clicking away for a few seconds, and listening. I'm impressed and grateful.
This morning I looked at the site for the first time. I was delighted to see that I could listen to the Pilgrim High School program while I cooked breakfast. While I did so I thought of Andrea's parents in El Salvador and wondered if they would like to hear Andrea's class sing their Spanish songs at the program. It's there, and as easy as clicking on the link and making sure the speakers on the computer are turned on.
People who know Lyle can listen to the high school singing group he directs. These students are not hand picked and auditioned. All the students help sing. Maybe other people who plan high school programs can pick up ideas.
The wonderful presentation on the heavens by Morris Yoder from Georgia is there too, but without the stunning visuals that were part of the live program.
I looked in vain for last Sunday's sermon by David, our bishop. I think it was a wonderful sermon--at least the parts I heard were--but I had failed to take one of the medications that helps turn my food into energy (Metformin), and I missed out on my regular Sunday morning cup of coffee. So I was waaaay too sleepy to get the full benefit of the sermon. I hoped to be able to listen to it later, and I think I will soon be able to do so.
It's amazing to me how much more accessible some things seem when only a few layers of effort in making use of them are eliminated. Blogging is like that, in comparison to writing, printing, mailing a manuscript, etc. And now--no need to ask for a taped copy of a sermon. It's as easy as sitting down to the computer, clicking away for a few seconds, and listening. I'm impressed and grateful.
BTW, your link's broken. If you look at the HTML view of the post, that part should be <a href=""></a>
If you see an ampersand, followed by "lt", followed by a semicolon above, it should be a "less-than sign". The same for "gt" and the greater-than sign.
Anonymous, at 1/23/2009
Thanks for the help. I couldn't remember what we had done earlier to make these links live, and I don't promise to remember in the future, but I may be able to figure it out by looking at this email again.
Mrs. I, at 1/23/2009
I am SO impressed at the technological expertise at Center! As I write this I'm listening to my nephew's report from Sudan. Thanks for the link!
Anonymous, at 1/24/2009
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