Prairie View

Sunday, September 14, 2008

Quote for the Day 9/14/2008

Rhoda: I didn't know there was a problem till I saw your stomach shaking. Then I caught on what was happening. I was glad that you were laughing though instead of getting upset.

Rhoda was obviously peeping during the lunchtime prayer at noon today during my brother-in-law Marvin's 51st birthday party. And, I'm sorry to say, she could tell what the problem was by following my eyes, (Honest, I usually close my eyes.) which were fastened on the group of four boys in the opposite corner of the room. Two of them were Rhoda's boys.

Something unrelated to Dad's birthday blessing prayer was clearly very funny, but they all knew it was a poor time to laugh, so they pinched it back as best they could, which was not very well, and small snorts of laughter escaped periodically. Valiant efforts ensued till the next hapless boy caved in.

I know the feeling. In my young and foolish days, I had quite a reputation for being afflicted with giggling fits. So inconvenient and humiliating. Three of those boys today were my nephews, and the fourth was my cousin's boy. Poor boys. Like me, afflicted with the giggling gene.


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