Prairie View

Tuesday, July 01, 2008

One More Good Thing

I'm feeling whiney tonight . . .

Hiromi found one of our cats dining on a baby barn swallow. That was one of the bad things that happened today.

My back hurts. That's another bad thing.

Hiromi is working on putting up bead board in our hallway. "It's a mess," he reported, after struggling to remedy some Mickey Mouse carpentry from yesteryear. Not good.

Shane's girlfriend, Dorcas, is in bed with a hideously sore throat. I feel sorry for her, and worry that she might have strep throat.

At the sewing today I found out that Aunt Lizzie seems not to have been properly informed about plans for this weekend's Miller reunion. Everyone loves her and no one would intentionally leave her out of anything, but somehow the communication didn't happen as it should have. I don't blame her for feeling that it's unfair that people without email are left out.

I found an invitation for an evening of knitting and crocheting with my Sunday School class at Suzie's house. I was happy about this until I saw that it happened last Tuesday and I had missed it. It was with church mailbox things that I never saw, probably because we had company for dinner and then went to hear Ben talk at church right after that. I don't know where the stack was in the meantime. Honestly, the house was not cluttered. Maybe that was the problem. Someone stashed it away and that's how I missed seeing it.

Joe K. stopped in tonight trying to figure out what he should do about Marvin's mower having self-destructed while he was using it to mow their property. ("There was oil spraying everywhere.") He wanted to make sure about when Marvin's family is planning to return from Europe. (Very late Friday night--in time for Saturday and Sunday of the reunion, if their jet lagged bodies allow them to participate.)

I heard that Rod and Leanna just got back from Hawaii where they went to celebrate their 25th anniversary. We have been married almost 27 years, and did nothing memorable at all on our 25th anniversary.

I'm also feeling good about some things.

Today I got the best look ever at Levi and Angie's baby. (Both of them were students during my teaching days.) The baby is perfectly lovely, and I am happy for them.

At the quilt, I heard a great story from the book The Heavenly Man, and was encouraged by the miracles this Chinese Christian experienced.

I heard recently that Hilda (Joel's girlfriend) will be working in the learning center at the high school next year part time. I'm delighted at the prospect of more help on staff, and glad that such a fine young lady is able to provide it.

My sister's family is arriving today from North Carolina, where they are making their home now, after living in Virginia for several years. I haven't seen her since Christmas 2005, and she has been diagnosed with cancer, undergone treatment, and been declared cancer-free in the interim.

The rest of my parental family (except for Clara--sigh) plan to arrive before the weekend for the afore-mentioned Miller reunion. I haven't seen Clara or Caleb either since Christmas 2005. Clara is coming with her family for Shane's wedding, I hope, and Caleb's family is coming this week, as are Anthony, Carol, and Ronald.

Hiromi fixed the kitchen faucet. It took thousands of gallons of water down the drain, two years and 15 minutes, and a $13.00 repair kit. The drain in the sewing room is repaired too, and the bucket can now be removed from the cabinet under the sink.

Hiromi is home all week. The company he works for routinely shuts down during the July 4 week. I love having him here all the time.

We're enjoying homemade pies made with apricots and cherries from our own trees. I haven't completely forgotten how to bake pies, and I enjoyed it enough to wonder aloud to Hiromi if he and I should make pies to sell during the summer after he retires in three years. I think there's lots more money in pies than in flowers. More calories too, unfortunately, and fewer sanctimoniously "natural" and artsy feelings involved.

Rachel told me today that her niece Jewel helped her set up a blog. I'm looking forward to reading it after she begins posting. She is home before beginning a job teaching in a Christian University in Romania. Counseling is her field.

And now that I've thought of one more good than bad thing, I think I will try for a good night's rest and trust that the whineys will have been forgotten when I wake up.


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