Prairie View

Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Quotes for the Day 5/7/2008

At the lunch table today--

Elaine: Here's a picture of my niece, Elizabeth Anne. Isn't she cute?

Jacob: She looks just like I did when I was a baby.

Me: I'm wondering about the pink sleeper. . . . Did you look like that?

Elaine: Your Mom probably had a lot of girl things on hand and was disappointed when you were a boy. (Jacob was the 4th son.)

Me (to Jacob): I never heard your mother complain about having boys.

Jacob: Really? She's always saying if we had girls, we'd have more interesting meal time conversations. She also thinks we'd have better table manners.

Girl student: That's probably true actually.

Jared: When I was there, she said whoever belches at the table has to wash the dishes. I thought that was a pretty high standard. Then she added that she'd give everyone chocolate if no one belched. But she must have forgotten. I don't think anyone belched, but we didn't get chocolate either.


Me (in the hearing of some of the Anabaptist History class students): What have I done? By doing the final test this way, I have to grade 40 essays. And those paragraphs--six of them from each of ten students--60 paragraphs. (Pause, while contemplating the students pecking away at the keyboards in front of them.) I don't suppose that inspires much sympathy.

Kenneth: I was just thinking--I didn't assign the essays or the paragraphs.


Frieda and Ida: Can we have a party on the last day in Anabaptist History class? It's the last class we'll have with you, ever.

Me: Well, I was going to give you the class period to write your last two paragraphs, but I guess if everyone came to class with the paragraphs already done, maybe we could have some of the discussions we never seemed to have enough class time for. We could have a snack while we talk.

Frieda and Ida: I'm sure everyone can get done ahead of class. So can we plan on it?

Me: If the other students agree.

They did, in class, today.

The Anabaptist History class party starts approximately 1 hour after the typing class party ends. I think I'd better begin planning strategies for restraint on food consumption.


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