News on Jae
We have finally gotten word about Jae Young Hwang, the Korean Japanese young man who was part of our family for about ten months while he attended Pilgrim High School. He lives and works now also in southern Japan, far away from the site of the earthquake damage, and is safe and well.
Jae's family's home, however, is in a prefecture right next to Fukushima, which is south of Miyagi--both prefectures where the most serious earthquake and tsunami damage occurred. The Hwang family lives in the northern part of Ibaragi prefecture, just south of Fukushima.
Jae's sister Sooin wrote the following in a personal message via Facebook:
Our place also had a damage and we are running out of oil, water and food.
However our area is not the worst place and the situation is getting better.
Please pray for Japan.
Hope your family are all well.
If you've been wanting to pray by name for someone in Japan, pray for the Hwang family. They are a Christian family, and are active in a Korean congregation in Japan. Jae's parents moved to Japan when he was five years old, and they have lived there ever since. His mother was a Christian before she left Korea.
This is an opportunity for Christian people in Japan to reach out to others, but they are obviously not immune to suffering themselves, and I'm sure it would be a blessing to the Hwang family to know that people are praying for them.
Tonight someone from Christian Aid Ministries called to see if we had ideas for Christian contacts in Japan that might be able to partner with CAM in providing humanitarian aid and literature for the stricken areas. I gave him several stateside names of people I know of who have contact with Japanese people who share Anabaptist ideals. By the end of the week CAM hopes to have people on the ground in Japan.
Jae's family's home, however, is in a prefecture right next to Fukushima, which is south of Miyagi--both prefectures where the most serious earthquake and tsunami damage occurred. The Hwang family lives in the northern part of Ibaragi prefecture, just south of Fukushima.
Jae's sister Sooin wrote the following in a personal message via Facebook:
Our place also had a damage and we are running out of oil, water and food.
However our area is not the worst place and the situation is getting better.
Please pray for Japan.
Hope your family are all well.
If you've been wanting to pray by name for someone in Japan, pray for the Hwang family. They are a Christian family, and are active in a Korean congregation in Japan. Jae's parents moved to Japan when he was five years old, and they have lived there ever since. His mother was a Christian before she left Korea.
This is an opportunity for Christian people in Japan to reach out to others, but they are obviously not immune to suffering themselves, and I'm sure it would be a blessing to the Hwang family to know that people are praying for them.
Tonight someone from Christian Aid Ministries called to see if we had ideas for Christian contacts in Japan that might be able to partner with CAM in providing humanitarian aid and literature for the stricken areas. I gave him several stateside names of people I know of who have contact with Japanese people who share Anabaptist ideals. By the end of the week CAM hopes to have people on the ground in Japan.
We are so happy to hear that CAM is getting involved! We had been wondering if they would. We have an 18 year old son who has a passion for the Japanese language, culture, and land, and he has been diligently studying for months. He is interested in going with a group from CAM to help. We hope you will keep us posted--we also plan to let CAM know that he's willing and ready to go if they take a cleanup crew or building crew.
Happymom4 aka Hope Anne, at 3/15/2011
I think it would be awesome if Hiromi could go with a group for clean up or building. He would have a distinct advantage with the language!
Unknown, at 3/16/2011
Oops! I forgot to log out of Maria's account. The last comment was from Dorcas, not Maria.
Dorcas Byler, at 3/16/2011
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