Known in the Gates
After the third farmer's market of the season yesterday, Hiromi said, "I really enjoy being at the market. I get to meet lots of people I haven't seen for a long time." He wondered aloud about Bill, his old barber, who was a frequent market shopper in years past, but has not showed up so far this year. And Amos, the large craggy old gentleman with the soft voice who used to sit on the bench near my booth and chat with me while I put together bouquets. "I wonder if something happened to them," Hiromi said. I wonder too.
Every time I'm in town with Hiromi, I marvel at all the people he knows and greets as friends. All except LaVon remember his name and greet him warmly. LaVon, who was one of the teachers in the many classes Hiromi has taken over the years at Hutchinson Community College, always called him Sam. He could never remember "Hiromi." Yesterday at the market Hiromi asked LaVon's wife and son about him. The grown son couldn't bring himself to answer forthrightly, but LaVon's wife explained to Hiromi that LaVon is now on disability from diabetes-related dementia. She told Hiromi that he would appreciate company, and Hiromi plans to go visit him soon.
A former co-worker from Hutch Hospital stopped by--so much skinnier that Hiromi at first did not recognize him. Another Hutch Hospital co-worker's wife is a vendor, and has a friendly cheerful greeting every week.
At TSW, where Hiromi worked until several months ago, the person who did "Hiromi's job" during the night shift was Al. He was the first person in the department to be laid off. Al and his wife came by yesterday. Al is also a pastor, something I had forgotten till Hiromi reminded me of that after I commented on how gentle and well-spoken he seems.
Wayne, who still works at TSW bought some lettuce from us. He was from a horse and buggy Mennonite family from PA. Somehow he ended up in Hutchinson, at one time estranged from God, but now a committed Christian.
Earlier, Hiromi met Larry, the father of a young lady Hiromi liked at one time. These random contacts reveal some interesting details about Hiromi's life before I knew him. At least the square dance leader and the bowling and pool partners have not shown up yet this year.
Last week, the wife of one of the doctors who practice at the Sterling Medical Center where our records are, bought some plants from us. Hiromi knew her because she is a fellow volunteer worker for Hutchinson Community Concerts, an organization Hiromi is associated with. And Grant had helped install a landscape at their house.
Another man with Partridge connections who Hiromi calls his former "banker" has retired to Missouri and was back this weekend for a visit. He greeted Hiromi like an old friend.
And so it goes.
Proverbs 31 says that a virtuous woman's husband is "known in the city gates." I'm not sure what all that means, and I'm not sure how that fact relates to a wife's virtue, but I'm happy to see how comfortable Hiromi is in public places like the farmer's market. While I also have friends there, many of the people who stop by our stall do so because Hiromi is there, not because I'm there. Virtuous or not, I have a husband who is "known in the city gates."
Every time I'm in town with Hiromi, I marvel at all the people he knows and greets as friends. All except LaVon remember his name and greet him warmly. LaVon, who was one of the teachers in the many classes Hiromi has taken over the years at Hutchinson Community College, always called him Sam. He could never remember "Hiromi." Yesterday at the market Hiromi asked LaVon's wife and son about him. The grown son couldn't bring himself to answer forthrightly, but LaVon's wife explained to Hiromi that LaVon is now on disability from diabetes-related dementia. She told Hiromi that he would appreciate company, and Hiromi plans to go visit him soon.
A former co-worker from Hutch Hospital stopped by--so much skinnier that Hiromi at first did not recognize him. Another Hutch Hospital co-worker's wife is a vendor, and has a friendly cheerful greeting every week.
At TSW, where Hiromi worked until several months ago, the person who did "Hiromi's job" during the night shift was Al. He was the first person in the department to be laid off. Al and his wife came by yesterday. Al is also a pastor, something I had forgotten till Hiromi reminded me of that after I commented on how gentle and well-spoken he seems.
Wayne, who still works at TSW bought some lettuce from us. He was from a horse and buggy Mennonite family from PA. Somehow he ended up in Hutchinson, at one time estranged from God, but now a committed Christian.
Earlier, Hiromi met Larry, the father of a young lady Hiromi liked at one time. These random contacts reveal some interesting details about Hiromi's life before I knew him. At least the square dance leader and the bowling and pool partners have not shown up yet this year.
Last week, the wife of one of the doctors who practice at the Sterling Medical Center where our records are, bought some plants from us. Hiromi knew her because she is a fellow volunteer worker for Hutchinson Community Concerts, an organization Hiromi is associated with. And Grant had helped install a landscape at their house.
Another man with Partridge connections who Hiromi calls his former "banker" has retired to Missouri and was back this weekend for a visit. He greeted Hiromi like an old friend.
And so it goes.
Proverbs 31 says that a virtuous woman's husband is "known in the city gates." I'm not sure what all that means, and I'm not sure how that fact relates to a wife's virtue, but I'm happy to see how comfortable Hiromi is in public places like the farmer's market. While I also have friends there, many of the people who stop by our stall do so because Hiromi is there, not because I'm there. Virtuous or not, I have a husband who is "known in the city gates."
What fun!!
Dorcas Byler, at 6/01/2009
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