Prairie View

Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Quote for the Day 12/24/2008

Paul O. (yesterday, while driving to Kansas on icy roads) : Pray hard. We're going to have a bad accident.

He had just seen an out-of-control vehicle come across the median into oncoming traffic. Five vehicles were involved in the pile-up, but the praying people's vehicle and the second vehicle in their caravan were spared.

This is the first time I've ever heard of anyone actually having time to make such a speech before a traffic accident.


Thinking about traveling at this time of year always brings back miserable memories of the year (probably about 1974) I traveled from Ohio to Kansas with Paul and Wilma, and Erma Y. as far as Iowa.--most of the way on snow-packed, icy roads. Nearly every mile of that way between Columbus and St. Louis had multiple vehicles in the ditch. We crept along till the wee hours of the morning when we got to Terre Haute, IN and decided to stop to sleep. No hotels had vacancies by that time, but we were directed to a school gymnasium. Erma and I shared the one small pillow we had, and lay down to sleep on the bare hardwood floor. Scores of other people were doing the same thing--some with pets and babies in tow. I remember the surreal feeling of picking my way around sleeping bodies in the semi-dark to find a vacant spot to lie down.

If we had only known. . . .we could have traveled north to Interstate 80 that year and had clear sailing all the way west. Now, multiple sources of information could tell us that, but things were different in 1974, and we didn't know.

Then, as now, however, it is always God Who keeps us safe--not our own clever choice of routes or traveling time.


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